Brussels, 15 May 2018

Today is the International Day of the Family, with a focus from the United Nations on “Families and inclusive societies”. The family is the first place of inclusion, where the value of every person can be welcomed in its uniqueness. An inclusive society starts wtih the family: the family is the vital cell of society and every society needs the family to be really inclusive.

In a press conference in the European Parliament today, the President of FAFCE, Antoine Renard, will present the FAFCE Resolution for a Demographic Spring, issued by the Board of the Federation at its last meeting in Vienna. “Our Federation – he said – wishes to raise awareness about this silent emergency, asking for a family policy at the national level, which really take into account the essential contribution of the family to the society“.

The Council of the European Union will probably adopt next week its Conclusions on the Conclusions on the role of youth in addressing the demographic challengesFAFCE positively notes that the Council is finally addressing this urgent topic. Nevertheless it is astonishing to see how that document ignores family policy as the key issue and the way out of the crisis.

While always respecting the principle of subsidiarity, it is urgent and essential that European leaders discuss in a serious way of this complex situation. The Members of FAFCE are aware of the huge anthropological challenges and consider the family as they key solution, the place where life is firstly welcomed and the restarting point for the future.

For this reason FAFCE strongly supports the pro-life bill which has been proposed by a citizens’ legislative initiative in PolandFAFCE also supports the legitimate demand of Romanian citizens for a referendum on the marriage. It has followed with great concern the case of Alfie Evans in the United Kingdom and all the attempts to endanger the right to life of every person in the world. FAFCE is also very concerned by the proposed law aiming at legalising euthanasia in Portugal. On this same ground FAFCE fully supports the “Love Both” Campaign in Ireland, in favour of a NO at the referendum of the 25th of May : a clear no to the referendum to say a clear yes to life.

On the International Day of the Family, let’s celebrate it for what it really is: the basic cell of society, generating life for the future of our Continent. Let’s restart from facing this clear reality: no EU Member State has a replacement birth rate. Let’s build a real family policy and reinitiate a culture of life in our Continent.

Nicola Speranza, Secretary General
+32 498 46 02 20