Brussels, 15 May 2015

Friday 15 May is the International Day of Families, proclaimed for the first time by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993. A year ago, a few days ahead of the European Elections, we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels and we underlined that “This anniversary is also an excellent occasion to recall that families that are the foundation and the future of Society need to be supported, promoted and protected in Europe and across the world”. 
A year later we greet the reconstitution of the European Parliament Intergroup for Family Friendly Policies, a unique forum in the EU institutions for the promotion of family friendly initiatives and fostering solidarity between generations.
However, we also note that the family, “The natural and fundamental group unit of society (…) entitled to protection by society and the State“, as stated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is often forgotten by the European policy makers.
For the common good of Europe, a family friendly perspective is necessary across all policy fields. A more family friendly Europe would not only be a way to tackle the demographic crisis on our continent but would also contribute towards the social peace as the family is the first teacher of respect and mutual understanding, forgiving and acceptance.


Contact: Maria Hildingsson, Secretary General

+32 4 70 20 39 18