On the 1st of April, FAFCE’s Secretary General, Maria Hildingsson, met the President of the European Economic and Social Council (EESC), Henri Malosse. This French representative of the Business sector in the EESC since 1995, is since 2013 leading the most ancient European consultative body in a period of economic crisis and institutional transformations.

During the inspiring meeting the Secretary General described the activities and the action of FAFCE, underlining the desire of implement the Family Mainstreaming in all sectorial policies under the competence of the European Union. Mr Malosse stressed the importance of such mainstreaming, linking it to the crucial role of the EESC in representing the general interests of European societies.

With concrete proposals, Mr Malosse is working for a European Union closer to the citizens, responding to their real needs: a concrete example is the current EESC proposal on the future of Services of general interest in the EU, which aims at implementing an impact assessment of the EU legislation on the subject.

According to Mrs Hildingsson, “We had a great cooperation with the past President, Mr Staffan Nilsson, and we wish will go on with his successor. The current work of the EESC, that does not limit itself to being a consultative body, is in line with a number of values represented by FAFCE”.