FAFCE greets the European Parliament’s vote in favour of the nomination of the Maltese Commissioner Designate Tonio Borg for the Health and Consumer Protection portfolio. In a full hemicycle the vote took place in a lively atmosphere. 386 MEPs voted for the nomination of Mr Borg.

On the eve of the vote the FAFCE addressed a letter to all Members of the European Parliament, calling on them to stand up for Fundamental FreedomsIndeed, the treatment of any European citizen, including European Commissioners, should be respectful of the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the treaties. Fundamental rights such as freedom of conscience, belief and opinion have been put at stake as the personal values of Mr Borg were depicted as incompatible with the European values. The attempts to blacklist Mr Borg do not respect the fundamental freedoms laid down in Art 10 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

However, up until the last minutes before the vote, voices were raised by some political groups expressing concern about the way Mr Borg’s personal views may impact his work as Commissioner, although the rules regulating the mission of any European Commissioner are very clear on the separation between holding public office and taking decisions in this position and personal views. Mr Borg had expressed his intention to abide by the treaties and commit himself to serve all European citizens at several occasions. Moreover, the issues of concern do not fall within the EU competency but are exclusively a national competency.

FAFCE’s President Antoine Renard also stressed that citizens from all Member States look toward every MEP as you are about to vote on the nomination of a new Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner. Many families across Europe are currently facing difficulties in both areas related to the SANCO portfolio due to the crisis and they count on your commitment to stand up for their interests. The appointment of Mr Borg is an urgent matter for all those who count on the protection of their rights as consumer and patients.”     

Contact Maria Hildingsson: +32 4 70 20 39 18 or info@fafce.org