On the occasion of the 2023 European Day for a Work-free Sunday on March 3, the European Sunday Alliance recalled the urgent need for synchronised quality and social resting time for workers, in order to enable them to preserve their mental health.

Weekly rest periods not only encompass the quantity of time, i.e. a work-free day, but also the quality of this rest. A work-free day must allow to combine both personal rest and social bonding. Humans are indeed social beings, part of a community, and their interpersonal relationships play a key role in their work-life balance, wellbeing, and recovery from work.

Furthermore, the phenomenon of loneliness is a growing and unpreceded reality in Europe, impacting negatively the work-life balance and wellbeing of workers: in 2020, 25% of EU citizens felt lonely more than half of the time.

With this event, the European Sunday Alliance invites interested policy makers and stakeholders to consider the importance of the quality of synchronised resting time for the mental health of workers, not least to further the debate on the establishment of a weekly common day of rest at the EU level for all citizens.
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Registration open until the 21st of April 2023.