

What does this campaign want to achieve?

The FAFCE campaign aims at encouraging candidates for the elections to the European Parliament to commit themselves to promoting family friendly policies (family mainstreaming) if elected. The campaign is directed at the candidates, through each family and family association who are invited to raise their voice to call for family friendly policies.

The European Parliament elections are an important opportunity for the family! The decisions taken by the European Union influence the daily life of every family across Europe.

The EU elections have an impact both on the European Parliament (751 Members) and on the European Commission (28 Commissioners) that there are renewed every 5 years. The low voter turnout rate at the EU elections in all Member States can be seen as an opportunity for families to vote for those candidates that are ready to commit themselves to family friendly policies.

Mothers, fathers and adult children can all take the opportunity to elect family friendly candidates!

PRESS RELEASE | FAFCE & Fundacion Madrina Publish a Reflection Document On Family: The Missing Ingredient In Rural Revitalisation

July 29th, 2021|

Brussels, Madrid; 29 July 2021 Today, the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE) and the Fundación Madrina published a joint reflection paper entitled “Family Associations: The Missing Ingredient in Rural  Revitalisation”. During the presentation of the document,

European Union Moves Forward in its Fight Against Online Child Sexual Abuse

July 13th, 2021|

The main thrust of the mechanisms outlined in the report is that the providers of “number-independent interpersonal communications services”, i.e. digital communication tools other than phones, must scan user content for online child sexual abuse material or child solicitation and remove it from their servers. T

The European Parliament Approves a Report on Ageing Packed with Pro-Family Measures

July 8th, 2021|

Unpaid care work is still work...The fact that national pension schemes do not reflect it is a major cause of social exclusion and old-age poverty, especially amongst women. Until the European Union and its Member States plug this gaping hole in the EU’s social contract, the ambitious social objectives advanced in the report will be stymied.

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