European Institutions

In this page we will display all the activities done in the framework of the European institutions which affects directly or indirectly all families in Europe.

Resolution (93) 38 on relations between the Council of Europe and Non – Governmental Organisations (1993)

Resolution (2003) 9 Status of partnership between the Council of Europe and Non – Governmental Organisations (2003)

FAFCE welcomes continuation of protection measures to combat CSAM

February 16th, 2024|

Brussels, 16th of February 2024 The European Council and the European Parliament yesterday approved an extension of current protection measures against child sexual abuse material online. FAFCE welcomes the move to prolong the measures

Ireland: Marriage should maintain its exclusivity

February 12th, 2024|

Brussels, the 12th of February 2024 On the 8th March, Irish citizens will be voting in referendums to amend parts of its constitution. Two amendments will be on the ballot on International Women's Day,

On #SaferInternetDay, we reiterate our calls for digital safety

February 6th, 2024|

Brussels, 6th of February 2024 #SaferInternetDay is an online campaign to combat abusive material on the internet. FAFCE recalls our campaigning at the European level to better detect and prevent abusive material online, especially

Belgian Presidency Priorities

January 29th, 2024|

Brussels, 29 January 2024 On 1 January 2024, Belgium assumed the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This is the 13th time Belgium has held the EU Presidency, the last time being

FAFCE Newsletter | We wish you a Merry Christmas!

December 22nd, 2023|

The 21th of December 2023 Dear Friends, in few days, we will retreat with our respective families and turn our attention to the Holy Family, where the mystery of a Child God takes place.

THROWBACK: Blessing of the Statue of St Joseph

December 11th, 2023|

Brussels, the 11th of december 2023 On the 25th of October, in Brussels, during the FAFCE Board Meeting, a statue of St Joseph with Christ Child was inaugurated in the chapel of the Commission

PRESS RELEASE | FAFCE celebrates the International Day of Families

May 14th, 2022|

The 15th of May, is the International Day of Families. FAFCE President, Vincenzo Bassi, declares: “This is a special occasion to say thank you to our families, to all its members. It is a precious moment to highlight the hidden and priceless work of many fathers and mothers and the contribution of our families and family networks to the social cohesion of our communities.