European Institutions

In this page we will display all the activities done in the framework of the European institutions which affects directly or indirectly all families in Europe.

Resolution (93) 38 on relations between the Council of Europe and Non – Governmental Organisations (1993)

Resolution (2003) 9 Status of partnership between the Council of Europe and Non – Governmental Organisations (2003)

FAFCE celebrates Saint Joseph’s Day

March 19th, 2024|

Brussels, 19th March 2024 19th March marks the feast of Saint Joseph. In Spain, Portugal and Italy, Saint Joseph's Day is also celebrated as Father's Day. We wish everyone a blessed Saint Joseph's Day,

Invest in the family to improve EU living conditions

March 15th, 2024|

Brussels, 15th March 2024 FAFCE welcomes the European Parliament debate held yesterday on living conditions in the EU. In the context of an exacerbating cost of living crisis, young families are often experiencing economic

FAFCE welcomes EU Parliament debate on Ageing

March 15th, 2024|

Brussels, 15th March 2024 FAFCE warmly welcomes the debate on ageing which took place on Thursday 14th March at the European Parliament. MEPs highlighted the challenges of the demographic winter in Europe, which was

11th Anniversary of Pope Francis’ Election

March 13th, 2024|

Brussels, 13th March 2024 Today we celebrate the 11th anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. The first Jesuit Pope and the first from the Americas, his pontificate has been historic in form as

Nativity scene in the European Parliament

December 3rd, 2023|

Brussels, 3rd december 2023 On Tuesday 28 of November, FAFCE took part in the inauguration ceremony of the Nativity scene in the European Parliament for the Christmas season, hosted by Isabel Benjumea, Spanish Member of

PRESS RELEASE I The European Parliament favours eugenics

September 13th, 2023|

PRESS RELEASE The European Parliament favours eugenics Brussels, 13th of September 2023 “Does the European Parliament want to promote eugenics?” This is the question that FAFCE’s President, Vincenzo Bassi, asks himself after the approval, this morning in

FAFCE contribution to the Spanish Presidency priorities

July 12th, 2023|

12th of  July 2023 The Spanish Presidency Semester, started on the 1st of July 2023 and has published the working program of priorities. The Federation welcomes the willingness to develop key policies involving the

FAFCE remembers St. Benedict, patron saint of Europe

July 11th, 2023|

11th of July 2023 On his feast day, less than one year before the next European elections, FAFCE wishes to remember St. Benedict, patron saint of Europe: "May St. Benedict intercede for our policymakers