Brussels, 21st March 2024
FAFCE marked World Down Syndrome Day by participating in the event co-hosted by ART21 (Association Romande Trisomie 21) at the United Nations in Geneva.
Pope Francis during World Down Syndrome Day in 2021 said that: “Every child who a woman expects in her womb is a gift that changes a family’s history: the life of fathers and mothers, grandparents and of brothers and sisters. That child needs to be welcomed, loved and nurtured. Always!”
FAFCE calls on the European Parliament and Member States to include representatives with intellectual disabilities as candidates for European Parliament elections.
The Federation also reiterates the need for EU institutions to consider a fair representation of the diversity of society, and thus establish the necessary structures to listen and give a voice to the people with disabilities.
FAFCE urges the EU to enhance research to have European statistics on the number of people with disabilities, with the needs and investments required to have a full inclusive public policy.
Nicola Speranza, Secretary General of FAFCE, attended the event in Geneva. He said, “EU institutions and member states must work to make Europe discrimination-free for the half a million people with Down Syndrome on the continent. As FAFCE, we extend our solidarity to family networks and groups advocating for the dignity of people with Down Syndrome.”