“This bioethics will not begin with a consideration of sickness and death in order to reach an understanding of the meaning of life and the worth of the individual – Pope Francis said. Rather, it will begin with a profound belief in the irrevocable dignity of the human person, as loved by God – the dignity of each person, in every phase and condition of existence – as it seeks out those forms of love and care that are concerned for the vulnerability and frailty of each individual”.
European Parliament Resolution on reducing inequalities and promoting social inclusion in times of crisis for children and their families
Brussels, the 24th of November On Tuesday, November 21, 2023, during the Plenary Session in Strasbourg, the majority of parliamentarians voted in favour of the initiative on "Reducing Inequalities and Promoting Social Inclusion in
FAFCE welcomes conclusions on a long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas approved by the European Council
Brussels, the 23rd of November 2023 FAFCE welcomes the conclusions adopted this week by the Council of the European Union on a long-term vision for the EU's rural areas. These conclusions recognise the key
Family Associations in Europe: a study presented at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan
Presentation of the volume edited by G. Rossi and S. Nanetti, "L'associazionismo familiare cattolico in Europa", Quaderni del Centro Famiglia 34, Vita e Pensiero, Milan Brussels, 17th of November Today, 17 November 2023, at
PRESS RELEASE I FAFCE welcomes steps towards a better protection of minors in the EU
European Parliament: new measures against child sexual abuse online adopted by the Civil Liberties Committee. Much still remains to be done, with the support of civil society and families' organisations. Brussels, the 14th of
PRESS RELEASE I FAFCE Declaration on a Regulation on the cross-border recognition of parenthood
FAFCE Declaration on a Regulation on the cross-border recognition of parenthood The JURI Committee in the European Parliament voted to limit Member States' to decide on parenthood recognition, also in case of surrogacy. The
PRESS RELEASE | FAFCE Autumn Board Meeting | Young people and mental health: families as their best allies
Brussels, the 27th of October 2023 A high level seminar at The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the blessing of a St. Joseph statue and the discussion on the current state of family
FAFCE 2023 Autumn Board Resolution I Young people and mental health: families as their best allies
Brussels, the 27th of October 2023 On the 7th of June 2023, the European Commission published a communication on a comprehensive approach to mental health. As the Commission highlighted the worrying fact that, “the
PRESS RELEASE I FAFCE celebrates the 40th anniversary of “Charter of the Rights of the Family”
Brussels, the 23th of October 2023 FAFCE celebrates the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of the Charter of the Rights of the Family, presented by the Holy See on 22 October 1983, "to all persons, institutions and
CONFERENCE INVITATION I Which future for Europe? The demographic toolbox of the EU
CONFERENCE INVITATION Click here to register Please register by THIS THURSDAY, the 19th of October 2023 HIGH-LEVEL SEMINAR Which future for Europe? The Demographic Toolbox of the European Union 8.30 – 9.00
FAFCE stresses family-work balance priority at Tripartite Social Summit
Brussels, 21st March, 2024 On Wednesday 20th March, representatives from the EU institutions met at the Tripartite Social Summit. Co-chaired by the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission (and featuring trade union and
FAFCE co-hosts Investing in the Family, Investing in the Future conference
Brussels, 20th March 2024 FAFCE co-hosted a conference yesterday entitled Investing in the Family, Investing in the Future. Held at the European Parliament in Brussels, the conference emphasised the significance of investing in family policies for a brighter future.
FAFCE celebrates Saint Joseph’s Day
Brussels, 19th March 2024 19th March marks the feast of Saint Joseph. In Spain, Portugal and Italy, Saint Joseph's Day is also celebrated as Father's Day. We wish everyone a blessed Saint Joseph's Day, especially to fathers and husbands.
Invest in the family to improve EU living conditions
Brussels, 15th March 2024 FAFCE welcomes the European Parliament debate held yesterday on living conditions in the EU. In the context of an exacerbating cost of living crisis, young families are often experiencing economic hardship, which undoubtedly impacts their
FAFCE welcomes EU Parliament debate on Ageing
Brussels, 15th March 2024 FAFCE warmly welcomes the debate on ageing which took place on Thursday 14th March at the European Parliament. MEPs highlighted the challenges of the demographic winter in Europe, which was also highlighted by the European
FAFCE responds to Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Brussels, 15th March 2024 On Tuesday, MEPs adopted a new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The plans, agreed on by the Council, aim to make the EU building sector carbon neutral by 2050. The targets set by the Directive