Mariage & Children2020-05-04T10:01:27+02:00

Marriage & Children

1204, 2022

Referenda in Hungary on sexual education in schools

April 12th, 2022|Categories: FAFCE, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

12 April 2022, Brussels At the end of 2021, the Hungarian Parliament has approved a government's proposal to hold a national referendum on sexual education within school. The 4 referenda took place the same day of the Hungarian elections,

912, 2021

The European Parliament recognises the complementary role of parents in the education of children

December 9th, 2021|Categories: Children's Rights, European Union, FAFCE, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education, United Nations|Tags: , , , , , , , |

9 December 2021, On November 11th, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on “The European Education Area: a shared holistic approach”, providing several guidelines to tackle the educational challenges in Europe since the start of the pandemic. FAFCE welcomes

712, 2021

Official Launch of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform: a journey towards a true ecology of the family

December 7th, 2021|Categories: FAFCE, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

7 December 2021, On November 14th, on the World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis officially launched the Laudato Si Action Platform. The Laudato Sì Action Platform (LSAP) is an online hub that collects, directs, and coordinates global and

1811, 2021

European Day to End Child Sex abuse : FAFCE stresses the urgent need of a safer environment for children

November 18th, 2021|Categories: Council of Europe, European Union, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , , , , , |

18 November 2021 On the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, the Council of Europe reminded the European countries of their international commitment when it comes to the fight abuse against children,

2807, 2021

What We Can Learn from the First World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly

July 28th, 2021|Categories: Ageing, Heroes of the Family Movement, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , , |

28 July 2021 On Sunday, July 25th, Pope Francis celebrated the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which he instituted earlier this year. This was an important milestone in the pontificate of Pope Francis, who has focused on

406, 2021

FAFCE Webinar on “Demographic Change and the Future of Europe”: “Family policies will shape the future of Europe”

June 4th, 2021|Categories: Demographic challenges, Economy of the Family, European Union, Human dignity, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: |

4 June 2021 On June 3rd, 2021, FAFCE organised, in cooperation with the European People's Party (EPP) working group on ‘Intercultural and religious dialogue’, a Webinar on the topic of demographic change and the future of Europe. EPP Group

1905, 2021

FAFCE Contributes to Public Consultation on Gender-Based and Domestic Violence

May 19th, 2021|Categories: Domestic Violence, Human dignity, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , , , , , |

19 May 2021 FAFCE contributed to the European Commission’s recent public consultation on gender-based violence and domestic violence. The pdf of FAFCE's contribution is at the bottom of this page. What are Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence?

1205, 2021

European Parliament Calls to Recognise the Role of the Family in the European Child Guarantee

May 12th, 2021|Categories: European Union, FAFCE, Family & Work-life balance, Human dignity, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , , , , , |

Brussels, 12 May 2021 On March 24th, 2021, the European Commission published its proposal for a European Child Guarantee, a key part of the European Union’s effort to eliminate child poverty and social exclusion. A previous FAFCE article detailed

605, 2021

FAFCE and UNAEC-Europe Jointly Host Webinar on “Family and Education: Seeds of Hope”

May 6th, 2021|Categories: FAFCE, FAFCE Members, Heroes of the Family Movement, Human dignity, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , , , , |

Family Associations and Former Students Commit Themselves to the Global Compact on Education as Proposed by Pope Francis Brussels, 6th of May 2021, On Tuesday, the 4th of May 2021, FAFCE and the European Union of Former Catholic School