

Much of the pornography currently produced and made available through the Internet stands in serious conflict with gender equality, tackling stereotypes, protection of vulnerable persons and the promotion of human rights. Harmful effects produced by the consumption and production of pornography have been documented. Pornography has been found to desensitize the consumer to sexual aggression, causing sexual aggression towards women, normalizing sexual assault, and also producing rape myths, all of which has serious consequences for any attempt to reach gender equality.The current legal reality is that there are very few effective regulations governing pornography either domestically in the European Parliament or Council of Europe region or internationally. We are trying to make awareness in this section of our site of this phenomenon in our today society which affects our families and our children.

4 questions to understand the debates on the Covid-19 vaccine

January 26th, 2021|

Article translated from the original version in French, published by the Confederation of Catholic Family Associations: “Vaccination Covid-19“, 20 January 2021. What is a vaccination? A vaccination stimulates the immune defences, especially the immune

Where is the family in the EU recovery plan?

January 11th, 2021|

In the past 6 months, the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU Member-States discussed and adopted several instruments to overcome the pandemic and its economic consequences. Key elements to understand the EU Recovery

War in Ukraine: the courageous support of Ukrainian refugees by Polish families

March 14th, 2022|

March 14, 2022 Following FAFCE's call for donations for Ukrainian families, Theresa Kapela, FAFCE delegate of the member association "Związek Dużych Rodzin 3+" (association of large Polish families), shares her testimony and courageous example of Polish families helping Ukrainian

Meeting of the President of FAFCE with Card. Hollerich, President of COMECE in Luxembourg

March 10th, 2022|

March 10th, 2022, On the 4th of March 2022, the President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE), Vincenzo Bassi, and its Secretary General, Nicola Speranza, met with Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, President of COMECE, in Luxembourg.

A mixed message of the European Parliament when it comes to the freedom of expression of NGOs

February 25th, 2022|

25th of February 2022, On February 17th, 2022, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on ‘A statute for European cross-border associations and non-profit organisations’, tackling the effectiveness of the freedom of expression for the European civil society, far from

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