

Much of the pornography currently produced and made available through the Internet stands in serious conflict with gender equality, tackling stereotypes, protection of vulnerable persons and the promotion of human rights. Harmful effects produced by the consumption and production of pornography have been documented. Pornography has been found to desensitize the consumer to sexual aggression, causing sexual aggression towards women, normalizing sexual assault, and also producing rape myths, all of which has serious consequences for any attempt to reach gender equality.The current legal reality is that there are very few effective regulations governing pornography either domestically in the European Parliament or Council of Europe region or internationally. We are trying to make awareness in this section of our site of this phenomenon in our today society which affects our families and our children.


July 15th, 2020|

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FAFCE Internship Programme (October 2020- February 2021) The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe is an umbrella organisation of family associations from all over Europe. Our General Secretariat is based

European Commission Report on the Impact of Demographic Change

July 14th, 2020|

Is the European Union finally considering the demographic challenges in Europe? Over the last years, FAFCE has been raising awareness on the demographic challenges faced by European Countries: no EU Member State reaches the

FAFCE publishes its 2019 Family Policy Report!

July 8th, 2020|

FAFCE is happy to publish its 2019 Family Policy Report, which provides an overview of family policies in selected EU Member-States, in the perspective of the implementation of the EU Directive on work-life balance

FAFCE addresses the motherhood and parental pay gap in a public consultation on pay transparency measures

October 20th, 2021|

20 October 2021, FAFCE welcomed the recent Commission’s proposal for a directive on pay transparency measures to tackle the difference of pay between men and women. FAFCE endorsed the Commission’s will to “strengthen the application of the principle of

CONFERENCE INVITATION | Ecology of the Family and Integral Development (Livestream 25 October 2021, 18.00 – 20.00)

October 5th, 2021|

The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe, jointly with the World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations, is happy to invite you to an event on the occasion of the Amoris Laetitia Family Year "Family is the first place

FAFCE Dialogue #4 with Janez Cigler Kralj, Slovenian Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

October 1st, 2021|

1st October 2021, On the 21st of September 2021, FAFCE organised its 4th FAFCE Dialogue on demographic challenges in Europe. After meeting online with the Hungarian and Italian Ministers for family and the Vice-President of the European Commission on

2021 State of the Union Address by the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: a year focused on the European youth

September 27th, 2021|

27 September 2021, The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, addressed on the 16th of September the European Parliament to present the annual guidelines of the Commission’s working program, also known as the “State of the

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