Much of the pornography currently produced and made available through the Internet stands in serious conflict with gender equality, tackling stereotypes, protection of vulnerable persons and the promotion of human rights. Harmful effects produced by the consumption and production of pornography have been documented. Pornography has been found to desensitize the consumer to sexual aggression, causing sexual aggression towards women, normalizing sexual assault, and also producing rape myths, all of which has serious consequences for any attempt to reach gender equality.The current legal reality is that there are very few effective regulations governing pornography either domestically in the European Parliament or Council of Europe region or internationally. We are trying to make awareness in this section of our site of this phenomenon in our today society which affects our families and our children.
Focus on demographic challenges: FAFCE’s interventions to the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
Brussels (14-15 January) – In the context of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which has made the demographic challenge one of the priorities of its semester (January-July 2020), FAFCE intervened
Meeting with Dubravka Suica, European Commission Vice-President for Democracy and Demography
Brussels (25 February 2020) - Our President, Vincenzo Bassi, and our Secretary General, Nicola Speranza, met with Vice-President Dubravka Šuica and her team to present FAFCE’s proposals regarding her portfolio on Demography and Democracy. They
Press Release | Family Associations ask for more solidarity in Europe
Brussels, 18 March 2020 No European family should feel to be left alone by the institutions, in a moment where fear and disorientation seem to prevail, we wish to reaffirm the fundamental importance
Press Release | Let’s restart from the family
Paris - Rome, 16 March 2020 “It is not good for man to be alone”. In this context of the pandemic, it is indeed loneliness which risks being spread. Family remains as the
Press Release | Coronavirus: let’s rediscover our relationships
Paris - Rome, 16 March 2020 “It is not good for man to be alone”. In this context of the pandemic, it is indeed loneliness which risks being spread. Family remains as the
Newsletter | Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas!
The end of the year is often a moment of final summaries. But this time around resembles a preamble for a new beginning. For many reasons.
Press Release | 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: our Common responsibility
On the thirtieth anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), FAFCE recalls the importance of caring for our children
Press Release | FAFCE Board: Call for a European Natality Pact
FAFCE Members gathered this week in Brussels, where they adopted a new Resolution for a European Natality Pact and renewed the Bureau
FAFCE Board Resolution | Call for a European Natality Pact
Brussels, 9 October 2019 The new European Parliament is starting its legislative activities and the Members of the College of the European Commission have started to present their concrete programs. During the last
2021 State of the Union Address by the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: a year focused on the European youth
27 September 2021, The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, addressed on the 16th of September the European Parliament to present the annual guidelines of the Commission’s working program, also known as the “State of the
INVITATION | FAFCE DIALOGUE with Slovenian Minister Janez Cigler Kralj of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Click here to register Please register before the 20th of September 2021.
The impact of pornography on demography
25 August 2021, Pornography often pretends to be confined to the hidden secret of sexual fantasies. However, even if hidden, pornography heavily impacts a person’s relations with its family, its peers, its community and the entire society overall. The
PRESS RELEASE | FAFCE & Fundacion Madrina Publish a Reflection Document On Family: The Missing Ingredient In Rural Revitalisation
Brussels, Madrid; 29 July 2021 Today, the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE) and the Fundación Madrina published a joint reflection paper entitled “Family Associations: The Missing Ingredient in Rural Revitalisation”. During the presentation of the document,
What We Can Learn from the First World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly
28 July 2021 On Sunday, July 25th, Pope Francis celebrated the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which he instituted earlier this year. This was an important milestone in the pontificate of Pope Francis, who has focused on
Summer Message from Our President
Together with our Member Associations and with your help, we will continue to defend the dignity of human procreation and of every person throughout her/his life. Our work touches upon a great diversity of topics, yet it only echoes the fact that the family is the heart and starting point of all society: in fact, as Pope Francis told us in 2017, our “wide gamut of activities is summed up in integral service to the family”.