

Much of the pornography currently produced and made available through the Internet stands in serious conflict with gender equality, tackling stereotypes, protection of vulnerable persons and the promotion of human rights. Harmful effects produced by the consumption and production of pornography have been documented. Pornography has been found to desensitize the consumer to sexual aggression, causing sexual aggression towards women, normalizing sexual assault, and also producing rape myths, all of which has serious consequences for any attempt to reach gender equality.The current legal reality is that there are very few effective regulations governing pornography either domestically in the European Parliament or Council of Europe region or internationally. We are trying to make awareness in this section of our site of this phenomenon in our today society which affects our families and our children.

Public Consultation in Ireland Supports Abortion Ban

February 14th, 2017|

In Ireland a Citizens’ Assembly is preparing a report on the abortion ban in the country. A public consultation launched by the Assembly received more than 13,500 submissions, of which an overwhelming majority

The Use of New Genetic Technologies in Human Beings

February 1st, 2017|

The Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe hosted on 24 January, a hearing about a report named “The Use of New Genetic

Women, Work and Maternity

February 1st, 2017|

A hearing on “Women in the Public Space” took place at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe On Monday, 23 January 2017, the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Parliamentary

Russian Duma Moves to Overturn Liberal Surrogacy Law

March 31st, 2021|

"The proposed law moves to restrict the practice only for those children whose births are considered by the bill’s proponents as outside Russia’s national interest. While it is important that Russia is taking a step toward outlawing an exploitative and medically risky practice, it does so without taking a moral stance against surrogacy."

EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child & European Child Guarantee: the European Commission acknowledges the role of parents and families

March 30th, 2021|

30 March 2021 On the 24th of March 2021, the European Commission published the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child and proposed a Council recommendation on a European Child Guarantee. The two documents aim to offer a

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