

Much of the pornography currently produced and made available through the Internet stands in serious conflict with gender equality, tackling stereotypes, protection of vulnerable persons and the promotion of human rights. Harmful effects produced by the consumption and production of pornography have been documented. Pornography has been found to desensitize the consumer to sexual aggression, causing sexual aggression towards women, normalizing sexual assault, and also producing rape myths, all of which has serious consequences for any attempt to reach gender equality.The current legal reality is that there are very few effective regulations governing pornography either domestically in the European Parliament or Council of Europe region or internationally. We are trying to make awareness in this section of our site of this phenomenon in our today society which affects our families and our children.

Collective Complaint against Sweden based on lack of respect for right to protection of health and Non-Discrimination

March 7th, 2013|

The FAFCE has submitted a collective complaint against Sweden. The FAFCE argues that Sweden lacks respect for articles 11 (right to protection of health) and E (Non-Discrimination) of the European Social Charter. The complaint is part of the procedure foreseen by

“What would you wish for each child: a secure environment or a change of civilisation?” asks FAFCE President on BBC

February 11th, 2013|

On Sunday 10 February 2013 FAFCE's President Antoine Renard explained how and why marriage protects children's rights and why the issue of filiation is at the centre of the current debate on marriage for two people of the

Press release | Same-sex marriage and adoption in France – A profound change of the nature of Marriage, Adoption and Filiation and an injustice for each citizen, is this what the French President understands as justice for the youth?

January 12th, 2013|

Paris, 12 January 2013 Same-sex marriage and adoption in France: A profound change of the nature of Marriage, Adoption and Filiation and an injustice for each citizen, is this what the French President understands as justice for the youth? asks

Press release | FAFCE greets the European Parliament’s vote in favour of Tonio Borg, a vote respectful of Fundamental Freedoms

November 21st, 2012|

FAFCE greets the European Parliament’s vote in favour of the nomination of the Maltese Commissioner Designate Tonio Borg for the Health and Consumer Protection portfolio. In a full hemicycle the vote took place in a lively atmosphere. 386

The European Parliament votes on the nomination of maltese Commissioner Designate Tonio Borg: the FAFCE calls on MEPs to stand up for Fundamental Freedoms

November 20th, 2012|

On 21 November the European Parliament will vote on the nomination of the Commissioner Designate Tonio Borg for the Health and Consumer Rights portfolio. The FAFCE has addressed an open letter to all MEPs calling on them to stand

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