Sexual education
On #SaferInternetDay, we reiterate our calls for digital safety
Brussels, 6th of February 2024 #SaferInternetDay is an online campaign to combat abusive material on the internet. FAFCE recalls our campaigning at the European level to better detect and prevent abusive material online, especially with regards to minors. Last
FAFCE welcomes extension of measures for a better protection of minors in the EU
Brussels, the 2nd of February 2024 European Parliament: MEPs have approved an extension to the current rules that allow for the detection of Child Sexual Abuse Material online. While the temporary extension is necessary, more long-term protections need to
Belgian Presidency Priorities
Brussels, 29 January 2024 On 1 January 2024, Belgium assumed the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This is the 13th time Belgium has held the EU Presidency, the last time being in 2010. It takes over
PRESS RELEASE I Surrogate motherhood: it’s high time for a universal ban
In his address to the Diplomatic Corps, Pope Francis made an appeal along the same lines as the Casablanca Declaration, which will be the subject of an international conference in Rome on 5 and 6 April this year Brussels, 8
FAFCE Newsletter | We wish you a Merry Christmas!
The 21th of December 2023 Dear Friends, in few days, we will retreat with our respective families and turn our attention to the Holy Family, where the mystery of a Child God takes place. With this newsletter, we wish
PRESS RELEASE I Surrogacy: the European Parliament contradicts itself
The European Certificate of Parenthood represents an open door to human trafficking Strasbourg, the 14th of December 2023 With 366 votes in favour and 145 against, the European Parliament approved today its opinion on a European Certificate of Parenthood.