Economy of the Family2020-05-05T22:32:55+02:00

Economy of the Family

The areas in which a family operates are relevant not only from a social standpoint but also from an economic one. Like any business, a family operates through organisation, professionalism, and efficiency. Family members conduct their family activities free of charge, producing many positive externalities to their members and to society as a whole. Therefore, a family can be classified as an economic entity, and its function is original and necessary to achieve the common good in areas of constitutional importance (e.g. education and care). Stronger families do not just consume good and services, but also finance the banking system with their savings and help relieve distressed public finances thanks to their intergenerational solidarity.

Family is a relevant economic actor that should be supported as much as companies in its role towards society.

103, 2023

PRESS RELEASE | Cooperation agreement between FAFCE & SME Connect: Together for a more sustainable Europe

March 1st, 2023|Categories: Demographic challenges, Economy of the Family, European Union, Latest News, Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

PRESS RELEASE Cooperation agreement between FAFCE & SME Connect Together for a more sustainable Europe Brussels, 1st of March 2023 “The digital and the green transitions cannot be dissociated from the demographic transitions, we are therefore convinced of the strategic

2010, 2021

FAFCE addresses the motherhood and parental pay gap in a public consultation on pay transparency measures

October 20th, 2021|Categories: Economy of the Family, European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Latest News|Tags: , , , , , |

20 October 2021, FAFCE welcomed the recent Commission’s proposal for a directive on pay transparency measures to tackle the difference of pay between men and women. FAFCE endorsed the Commission’s will to “strengthen the application of the principle of

406, 2021

FAFCE Webinar on “Demographic Change and the Future of Europe”: “Family policies will shape the future of Europe”

June 4th, 2021|Categories: Demographic challenges, Economy of the Family, European Union, Human dignity, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: |

4 June 2021 On June 3rd, 2021, FAFCE organised, in cooperation with the European People's Party (EPP) working group on ‘Intercultural and religious dialogue’, a Webinar on the topic of demographic change and the future of Europe. EPP Group

1902, 2021

Non-performing loans: the impact of the pandemic on families and credit

February 19th, 2021|Categories: Economy of the Family, European Union, FAFCE, Latest News|Tags: , , , |

The pandemic created disastrous consequences for the global and European economy. Many families and businesses experience financial difficulties, and fail to reimburse their loans, thus creating issues of non-performing loans. The non-performing loans are bank loans that are[1] subject

1301, 2021

FAFCE Dialogue with Elena Bonetti, Italian Minister for Family and Equal Opportunities: “The Families need to be seen as subject who are able to create the future”

January 13th, 2021|Categories: Demographic challenges, Economy of the Family, European Union, FAFCE, Family & Work-life balance, Human dignity, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , , , , , |

“These FAFCE Webinars aim to raise awareness on demographic and family issues”. Those were the words of FAFCE President, Vincenzo Bassi, at the opening of FAFCE Webinar with the Italian Minister for Family and Equal Opportunities, Ms Elena Bonetti.

1101, 2021

Where is the family in the EU recovery plan?

January 11th, 2021|Categories: Demographic challenges, Economy of the Family, European Union, Latest News|Tags: , , , , , , |

In the past 6 months, the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU Member-States discussed and adopted several instruments to overcome the pandemic and its economic consequences. Key elements to understand the EU Recovery Plan To address the pandemic

1112, 2020

FAFCE Dialogue with Katalin Novák, Hungarian Minister for Families: “Families should not be forced to give up on their wish to have children”

December 11th, 2020|Categories: Demographic challenges, Economy of the Family, European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Latest News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Will the EU recovery plan invest in the family? What are the good practices of family policies in Hungary? Those were the questions raised during last FAFCE Webinar with Katalin Novák, Hungarian Minister for Families. Ms Novák recalled the

712, 2020

FAFCE WEBINAR on the EU recovery and its investment in the family: “Without families and family associations there is no future for Europe”

December 7th, 2020|Categories: Demographic challenges, Economy of the Family, European Union, FAFCE Members, Latest News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In cooperation with our Spanish member Foro de la Familia, FAFCE organised an online event on 3 December 2020 to discuss the EU Recovery plan and its investment in the family. The Webinar was hosted by Member of the

112, 2020

FAFCE highlights the role of parents for the EU strategy on the rights of the child (2021-2024)

December 1st, 2020|Categories: Economy of the Family, European Union, FAFCE, Family & Work-life balance, Latest News, Parenthood & Children education, Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

FAFCE has been committed for the past years to bring the voice of families at the institutional level in Europe, especially through continuous contributions to the public consultations, which are an integral part of the legislative process of the