Economy of the Family2020-05-05T22:32:55+02:00

Economy of the Family

The areas in which a family operates are relevant not only from a social standpoint but also from an economic one. Like any business, a family operates through organisation, professionalism, and efficiency. Family members conduct their family activities free of charge, producing many positive externalities to their members and to society as a whole. Therefore, a family can be classified as an economic entity, and its function is original and necessary to achieve the common good in areas of constitutional importance (e.g. education and care). Stronger families do not just consume good and services, but also finance the banking system with their savings and help relieve distressed public finances thanks to their intergenerational solidarity.

Family is a relevant economic actor that should be supported as much as companies in its role towards society.

809, 2016

FAFCE Policy Briefing | The Family at the Centre of the Economy: The Way Out of the Crisis

September 8th, 2016|Categories: Economy of the Family, Latest News|Tags: |

On September 7th, FAFCE held a policy briefing on The Family at the centre of the Economy: the way out of the crisis, organised together with two of its Members, the Forum delle Associazioni Familiari (Italy) and the Confédération Nationale des Associations Familiales Catholiques (France). During the meeting,

2105, 2013

FAFCE’s Message on the occasion of the International Day of the Family 2013: Invest in the Family, Families are Europe’s wealth!

May 21st, 2013|Categories: Economy of the Family, European Union, Latest News|Tags: |

Families are the basic units of society, and a family has a value of its own. It is more than just the simple sum of its members. From an economic perspective the family is not only a consumer

807, 2008

FAFCE backs the proposal of the European Commission for reduced VAT to children’s products

July 8th, 2008|Categories: Economy of the Family, European Union, Latest News|Tags: |

Berlin, 08.07.08: The President of the Federation of catholic Family associations in Europe (FAFCE), Elisabeth Bußmann, has called on the Governments of the EU Member States to endorse the proposal for a Council Directive to apply reduced VAT