Family & Work-life balance2020-05-05T23:53:26+02:00

Family & Work-life balance

Working parents are often struggling to achieve the balance between work and their family life.

Family-policies need to ensure an efficient work-life balance by providing paid leaves to parents and carers, accessible and affordable childcare facilities, and flexible working arrangements.

Above all, parents should be granted the freedom to decide how they want to organise their work-life balance.

1112, 2015

Press Release | EP Interest Group on Work-Life Balance Meets

December 11th, 2015|Categories: European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Press Release|Tags: |

EP Interest Group on Work-Life Balance Meets:  Healthy work places in Europe, keys to preventing psychosocial risks Brussels, 11 December 2015 Tackling the rise in psychosocial diseases by ensuring a fair work-life balance, proper rest and a common work-free

1004, 2015

Press Release | Family friendly policies Intergroup reconstituted in the European Parliament

April 10th, 2015|Categories: European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Press Release|Tags: |

Last week the intergroup on Active ageing, intergenerational solidarity and Family friendly policies was officially registered at the European Parliament. This intergroup is divided into two Sub-Groups, one devoted to Active ageing, coordinated by Mr van Nistelrooij (EPP – Netherlands), and another

1401, 2015

Stand up for a Free Sunday! Take part in the online public consultation on the review of the Working Time Directive

January 14th, 2015|Categories: European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Latest News|Tags: |

The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on the review of the Working Time Directive. A public Consultation is an instrument used by the European Commission to gather insights and contributions from all citizens in the context of

210, 2008

„Children are not an illness“– FAFCE welcomes the new directive concerning the legal protection of expectant and nursing mothers

October 2nd, 2008|Categories: European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Latest News|Tags: |

Berlin, 02.10.08 The President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE), Ms Elisabeth Bussmann, in principle welcomes the new directive for the legal protection of expectant and nursing mothers, the draft of which the EU