Human dignity
Every person has an inherent and immeasurable worth and dignity. Each human life is sacred, from its start to its end.
“How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?”
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
Press release | Surrogacy stopped again at the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, 11 October 2016 There is no room for ambiguity on the practice of surrogacy. Today the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), during a plenary sitting, rejected a draft recommendation on surrogacy presented by the Belgian Senator Dr. Petra De Sutter
Press Release | Surrogacy: which recommendation from the Council of Europe?
The Committee rejected the draft Resolution and proposed a draft recommendation to the Committee of Ministers Paris, 21 September 2016 Today the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) rejected again
Surrogacy: a violation of human dignity
Surrogacy: a violation of human dignity. Motherhood: a precious gift, to respect and protect". This was the incipit of a Resolution adopted by the FAFCE Board at its last spring meeting in Portugal. With this resolution the great
FAFCE Board Resolution on Surrogacy
Board Resolution SURROGACY: A VIOLATION OF HUMAN DIGNITY Motherhood: a precious gift, to respect and protect The practice of surrogacy is of great concern for all FAFCE Members. This practice is spreading throughout the world, creating a slippery
Press Release | Council of Europe Report on Surrogacy rejected – a step ahead for human dignity
Brussels, 15 March 2016 Today the Social Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe rejected a draft report on Human Rights and ethical issues related to Surrogacy. The rejection is good news for human
Press Release in Italian – Comunicato Stampa | Maternità surrogata: il Consiglio d’Europa prenderà una posizione forte a favore della dignità umana e dello stato di diritto?
Il 15 marzo prossimo la Commissione per gli affari sociali, la salute e lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa (APCE) prenderà in considerazione un progetto di relazione e probabilmente voterà sull’adozione di una proposta di risoluzione ed un
Press Release in Spanish | Comunicado de prensa | Maternidad subrogada: ¿tomará el Consejo de Europa una postura a favor de la dignidad humana y el Estado de derecho?
El 15 de Marzo, la Comisión de Asuntos Sociales, Salud y Desarrollo Sostenible de la Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa (APCE) va a analizar un borrador de un informe y probablemente votará sobre la adopción de unos borradores de una resolución
Principles of Good Palliative Care
Palliative care should be integrated early in the process of the disease, improves the quality of life of patients, alleviates families and can even reduce costs of health systems. These are the main messages of Professor Philip Larkin, President
Briefing Note in Italian: “La maternità surrogata. Implicazioni etiche e proposte legislative”
Già nel 2005 la FAFCE ha invitato i membri dell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa ad esaminare con grande attenzione i problemi che gli accordi sulla maternità surrogata possono sollevare nonché le altre obiezioni a tale pratica. Riconosciamo il
Surrogate Motherhood: Ethical Implications & Proposals for Legislation
Already in 2005, FAFCE invited the Members of the PACE to reflect in depth on the problems that may arise in surrogacy arrangements and on other objections to surrogacy[i]. Whilst recognising the natural desire of every person to