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PRESS RELEASE | Celebration of FAFCE XXV Anniversary in Rome with Pope Francis and European delegates
Rome, 9 June 2022 The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE) celebrates this year its 25th anniversary. Delegates of Family Associations from all over Europe will gather in Rome tomorrow and meet with Pope Francis. The President of
The EU Strategy for a Better Internet for Children recognises online pornography as a risk for children
24 May 2022, The European Commission published on the 11th of May 2022 its new EU Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK+), which finally tackles the question of the children exposure to online pornography in a clear
The Council of Europe calls to protect children from online pornography
16 May 2022, On the 25th of April 2022, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a Resolution “For an assessment of the means and provisions to combat children's exposure to pornographic content”. The report, carried
PRESS RELEASE | FAFCE celebrates the International Day of Families
The 15th of May, is the International Day of Families. FAFCE President, Vincenzo Bassi, declares: “This is a special occasion to say thank you to our families, to all its members. It is a precious moment to highlight the hidden and priceless work of many fathers and mothers and the contribution of our families and family networks to the social cohesion of our communities.
FAFCE Spring 2022 Board Resolution “Families and family associations are builders of peace”
FAFCE Board Resolution Vác (Hungary), 6 May 2022 Families and family associations are builders of peace Echoing the FAFCE event on the 13th of May 2021 on “The Family: Antidote to Loneliness, Beyond the Pandemic”, stressing the importance of
FAFCE Dialogue #5 with Milan Krajniak, Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
27 April 2022, Last Monday, FAFCE organised the fifth edition of its FAFCE Dialogues, a series of dialogues in which FAFCE President, Vincenzo Bassi, exchanges with national Ministers responsible for family on the question of demographic challenges in the
FAFCE Easter Newsletter 🌷 | 25th Anniversary and Meeting with Pope Francis
14 April 2022, Brussels Europe will experience a special Easter this year. As war devastates Ukraine, families find themselves separated, forced to flee, and face death, deprivation and fear. Together with all the families of our member associations, our
The Council of Europe publishes its new Strategy for the Right of the Child for 2022-2027
8 April 2022 On the 7 and 8 of April 2022, the Italian Presidency of the Council of Europe presented in Rome the new Council of Europe’s Strategy for the Right of the Child for 2022-2027. Children are specifically
PRESS RELEASE | The European Parliament asks to replace “sex” by “gender” in a directive on pay transparency
PRESS RELEASE The European Parliament asks to replace "sex" by "gender" in a directive on pay transparency Strasbourg, 6 April 2022 The European Parliament decided yesterday to bypass a Plenary debate on a sensitive report which asks to
European Care Strategy: Families are the first carers
4th of April 2022, On the 24th of March 2022, The European Commission introduced at the European Parliament its “European Care Strategy”, to improve the lives of carers and their dependants. The Commission was represented by Commission Vice-President for Democracy