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106, 2020

Global Day of Parents: Honouring Motherhood and Fatherhood

June 1st, 2020|Categories: Latest News, Parenthood & Children education, Press Release|

Brussels, 1st June 2020 On the Global Day of Parents, FAFCE recalls the importance of motherhood and fatherhood and asks to recognise their fundamental roles during the current pandemic. “The parents – FAFCE's President, Vincenzo Bassi, said – are

2905, 2020

Press Release | “Next Generation EU” for an integrated substainable development based on concrete demographic policies

May 29th, 2020|Categories: Demographic challenges, European Union, Press Release|Tags: , , , , , |

Brussels, 29 May 2020 "Only through intergenerational balance and solidarity can we hope that Europe will maintain a social and economic cohesion. If the "Next Generation EU" is to help build Europe's future, then the opportunity to invest in

1905, 2020

Demographic challenges in times of pandemic

May 19th, 2020|Categories: Demographic challenges, European Union, Latest News|Tags: , , , , , , |

On the 5th of May, the Employment and Social Policy Ministers of the European Union discussed the economic recovery plans and the demographic challenges related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Ministers emphasised the need to implement strategies to protect the

1505, 2020

FAFCE fully supports the appeal made by the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops to ban all forms of surrogacy

May 15th, 2020|Categories: Human dignity, Latest News|Tags: , , , |

FAFCE fully supports the appeal made by the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops to ban all forms of surrogacy In recent days, a video has been widely spread online, published by a Ukrainian company devoted to the practice of surrogacy. The video

1405, 2020

International Day of the Family: Families are the front line in the pandemic

May 14th, 2020|Categories: Economy of the Family, FAFCE Members, Family & Work-life balance, Latest News|

On the 6th of May 2020, FAFCE held its 2020 Spring Board Meeting via videoconference. 31 representatives of family associations from 18 European Countries gathered to discuss on the European demographic challenges, the Members' activities and the emergency measures needed to support families in Europe. A Resolution was also adopted and is made public today (also available in French and German), on the occasion of the International Day of the Family: “Families: the front line in the pandemic”.

1305, 2020

FAFCE Board Resolution | Families are the front line in the pandemic

May 13th, 2020|Categories: Economy of the Family, European Union, FAFCE Resolutions, Latest News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

FAFCE Board Resolution Families are the front line in the pandemic Online Board Meeting, 6 May 2020 In the context of the current pandemic, families are in the front line. The dislocation of the social fabric is now reduced

1205, 2020

Press Release | FAFCE welcomes the EESC Opinion on Demographic challenges

May 12th, 2020|Categories: Demographic challenges, European Union, Press Release|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Press Release FAFCE welcomes the EESC Opinion on Demographic challenges  Brussels, 12 May 2020 FAFCE welcomes the Exploratory opinion on "Demographic challenges in the EU in light of economic inequalities and development disparities" adopted by the European Economic and

1004, 2020

FAFCE Members: Initiatives to help families during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown

April 10th, 2020|Categories: FAFCE Members, Latest News|Tags: , , , , , , |

France – CNAFC The French National Confederation of Catholic Family Associations (CNAFC) publishes every week a newsletter with news and initiatives to help Catholic families during the time of quarantine. The Confederation even created a Facebook group called "Esprit de famille"