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1901, 2017

New President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani signed FAFCE Manifesto for Family

January 19th, 2017|Categories: European Union, Latest News|Tags: |

On Tuesday, 17 January 2017, the European Parliament elected Antonio Tajani, from the EPP group, as President for the next 2.5 years. During the election campaign for the European Parliament in 2014, Italian Member of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani

812, 2016

Press Release | Audiovisual Media Services in the EU: which protection for children?

December 8th, 2016|Categories: European Union, Parenthood & Children education, Press Release|Tags: |

European Parliament IMCO Committee votes for maintaining existing prohibition of TVs broadcasting pornography or gratuitous violence                 Brussels, 8 December 2016 On Monday, 5 December, the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee

712, 2016

The European Social Charter in the Context of Implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

December 7th, 2016|Categories: Council of Europe, European Union, Latest News|Tags: |

Brussels, 7 December 2016 The European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs published a paper on “the European Social Charter in the Context of Implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights” that analyses how the European Social

2411, 2016

FAFCE President Meets New Cardinal Mario Zenari, Apostolic Nuncio to Syria

November 24th, 2016|Categories: Latest News|Tags: |

Brussels, 24 November 2016 On Saturday, 19 November, Pope Francis created Cardinal Mario Zenari, Apostolic Nuncio to Syria. Antoine Renard, FAFCE’s President, attended the Ordinary Public Consistory and had the opportunity to meet Cardinal Zenari during the traditional

2411, 2016

FAFCE President Meets Cardinal Farrell, Prefect of the new Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life

November 24th, 2016|Categories: Latest News|Tags: |

Brussels, 24 November 2016 Antoine Renard, FAFCE’s President, travelled to Rome to meet recently elected Cardinal Farrell, Prefect of the new Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. He could present work done by FAFCE and discuss the challenges

1711, 2016

Press Release | Work-Life-Balance 4.0 – Challenges in a time of digitalisation

November 17th, 2016|Categories: European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Press Release|Tags: , |

On 15th November 2016 the European Sunday Alliance organized its third European conference this time on “Work-Life-Balance 4.0 – Challenges in a time of digitalisation” at the European Economic and Social Committee. During the day over 100 participants discussed

1711, 2016

Anytime, anywhere – resolution for a better work-life-balance and synchronized free time in the age of digitalization

November 17th, 2016|Categories: European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Latest News|Tags: |

Digitalization has changed and will continue to influence all aspects of our lives, foremost our working habits. Digitalization creates mobile workers, home offices, flexible working hours, a free choice of a working place and access to e-mails and