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FAFCE crosses the Atlantic
In September and October FAFCE was present at three events across the Atlantic : the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, USA, a Congress for a Culture of Life and Family in Bogotá, Colombia, and the World Congress of Families,
Cooperating for Human Dignity
Relaunch of the Human Dignity Working Group “The infinite dignity of every human being is routinely denied across all stages of life, from conception until natural death. Therefore, the concept of human dignity must be further explored, in
FAFCE received EU Family Values Award!
At a celebration held in Brussels on 19 October 2015, the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE) received the EU Family Values Award by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At a celebration held
Press release | Every family can help a fleeing family
This cross was put on the Hill of Crosses in Lithuania in 2009 by representatives of FAFCE and its Members for all Christian families in Europe Brussels, 10 September 2015 Many doors to homes, parishes and communities have already been
The President of the European Council is clear : “The definitions of marriage and family are matters of national competence for EU Member States”. What about the European Commission?
On 23 July FAFCE President, Antoine Renard, wrote a letter to the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, in order to express the concerns of the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE) regarding the statements of
Family and Global Development: a clash of conceptions on human rights
At the twenty-ninth session of the Human Rights Council of the UN that took place in Geneva between 15 June and 3 July, a resolution on the "Protection of the Family" (A/HRC/29/L.25) was adopted (29 votes in favour, 14 against and
Press release | The Family, hope for Europe
One year ago, a new legislative term of the European Parliament was launched in Strasbourg. Instead of the expected proposals in favour of the respect for every person, many times proclaimed during the electoral campaign, during these 12 months,
Surrogacy: the slippery slope towards ‘the right to a child’
Rocio Franch Oviedo In recent years, courts across Europe and, in particular, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) have been following a trend in favour of accepting surrogacy in relation to the "child's best interests”. In most cases,
Press Release | Lack of Conscientious Objection Clause for Medical Staff in Sweden – Decision of the European Committee of Social Rights
Brussels, 18 June 2015 Contrary to Resolution 1763 adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 10 October 2011, Medical Staff in Sweden have no legal right to conscientious objection in case of ethically
Press release | Which vision for the future of Europe? The European Parliament moving towards Deep Divide on Critical Issues
Strasbourg, 9 June 2015 Today the European Parliament adopted the Report of the Women's Rights Committee (FEMM) on the EU strategy for equality between women and men post 2015, originally drafted by Maria Noichl (S&D, Germany). As we stated in