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306, 2015

Press Release | EU strategy for equality between women and men post 2015. Is there an alternative for our children?

June 3rd, 2015|Categories: European Union, Press Release|Tags: |

Brussels, 3 June 2015 Tuesday 9 June the European Parliament is going to vote on the EU strategy for equality between women and men post 2015, also known as the Noichl Report, so named for its rapporteur, Maria Noichl

2005, 2015

Press Release | Irish Referendum On The Redefinition Of Marriage

May 20th, 2015|Categories: FAFCE Members, Parenthood & Children education, Press Release|Tags: , |

Strasbourg, 20 May 2015 Friday 22 May the Irish people is called to vote in a referendum on a possible amendment of the Constitution, which if adopted would redefine marriage from a legal point of view. If the constitutional

2904, 2015

Press Release | Rights of late abortion survivors to be considered by Council of Europe Body

April 29th, 2015|Categories: Council of Europe, Human dignity, Press Release|Tags: |

Signed by more than 185,000 citizens, the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) formally received the "Petition for the rights of new-borns surviving their abortion", deciding to forward it to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights.

2204, 2015

“Good marriages, lasting families are not only the Church’s treasures, but also the society’s treasures.”- Homily by Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki

April 22nd, 2015|Categories: Latest News, Parenthood & Children education|Tags: , |

FAFCE's spring Board Meeting took place in Warsaw, Poland on 16 and 17 April. During the second day FAFCE's Board met with the President of the Polish Bishops Conference, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki. Actions in favour of marriage and family

1004, 2015

Press Release | Family friendly policies Intergroup reconstituted in the European Parliament

April 10th, 2015|Categories: European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Press Release|Tags: |

Last week the intergroup on Active ageing, intergenerational solidarity and Family friendly policies was officially registered at the European Parliament. This intergroup is divided into two Sub-Groups, one devoted to Active ageing, coordinated by Mr van Nistelrooij (EPP – Netherlands), and another

1503, 2015

Press Release | 15 May 2015 – International Day of Families – The Family at the centre of the Common Good

March 15th, 2015|Categories: Parenthood & Children education, Press Release, United Nations|Tags: |

Brussels, 15 May 2015Friday 15 May is the International Day of Families, proclaimed for the first time by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993. A year ago, a few days ahead of the European Elections, we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of

1203, 2015

Press release | A sad day for the Rights of the Child at the European Parliament

March 12th, 2015|Categories: European Union, Parenthood & Children education, Press Release|Tags: |

Strasbourg, 12 March 2015 Today is the Day of the Rights of the Child. Children are entitled to special care and assistance according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Children's best interest shall be a primary consideration "in all

1003, 2015

Press release | Contradictory EU Parliament Report affirms subsidiarity on “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights”

March 10th, 2015|Categories: European Union, Press Release|Tags: |

This morning the European Parliament voted the Annual report on the equality between women and men in the EU - 2013 presented by MEP Marc Tarabella.  This report has raised concerns among citizens across the EU regarding the issue of abortion which was