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First European Interest Group WORK-LIFE BALANCE launched!
3rd March 2015 – On the very day when the European Day for a Work Free Sunday is celebrated across Europe, at the EU Parliament, and in the presence of MEPs from different political groups, the European Sunday Alliance
What is good for the family is good for Europe!
On 23 January 2015, the Political Assembly of the European People’s Party gathered in Strasbourg adopted a Resolution on “Prospering families for a prosperous Europe or What is good for the family is good for Europe”. With this
Press Release | EU Parliament report breaches Subsidiarity, criticises National referendums and promotes same-sex marriage
Brussels, 4 March 2015 In a week the European Parliament will be gathered in Strasbourg for its March Plenary Session and will vote on the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2013 and the European Union’s
Press release | Double Breach of Subsidiarity Ahead? 2 EU Parliament reports overstep EU competence
In a week the European Parliament will gather in Strasbourg for its March Plenary Session. On the agenda there are two reports that address issues of concern to all, namely Human Rights and Equality. However, there are also
Press release | Over 60 000 citizens ask the EU not to support abortion. Will the European Parliament listen?
In one week the European Parliament will vote the Annual report on the equality between women and men in the EU - 2013 presented by MEP Marc Tarabella which includes many very positive points. However, there are also concerns expressed by over
PRESS RELEASE | 2/3 of EU Parliament Committee ignore over 40 000 citizens calling for no EU support to abortion… the mobilisation continues!
Brussels, 21 January 2015 Over 40 000 citizens calling on the European Parliament to not adopt any provision in favour of EU support for abortion, an issue on which there is no EU competence, were ignored by two thirds
Press release | Over 40 000 citizens say “Stop Tarabella relaunching Estrela!” and call for no EU support to abortion
In four days over 40 000 citizens signed the Stop Tarabella relaunching Estrela! petition calling on the European Parliament to not adopt any provision in favour of EU support for abortion, an issue on which there is no EU competence (more
Slovakia stands up in defense of Marriage
After the successful referendum held in Croatia in 2013, which amended the Constitution with a provision defining marriage as beingthe union between a man and a woman, we expect to see the same thing happen in Slovakia in
Pope Francis to large families: “capable of being present and visible in society and in politics”
Marking the Feast of the Holy Family, the Italian Association of Large Families celebrated its 10th anniversary with Pope Francis on Sunday 28 December. After a presentation by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, and of
Stand up for a Free Sunday! Take part in the online public consultation on the review of the Working Time Directive
The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on the review of the Working Time Directive. A public Consultation is an instrument used by the European Commission to gather insights and contributions from all citizens in the context of