Press Releases2020-05-04T10:07:02+02:00

Press Releases

1201, 2016

Press Release in Italian | Comunicato stampa | La vita trionfa! Una dichiarazione pro-eutanasia decade al Parlamento europeo

January 12th, 2016|Categories: European Union, Press Release|Tags: |

Bruxelles, 12 gennaio 2016   "Dichiarazione scritta sulla dignità alla fine della vita": questo era il titolo di una dichiarazione scritta decaduta la scorsa settimana, non avendo ottenuto il sostegno necessario da parte della maggioranza dei membri del

1101, 2016

Press release | Life overcomes! Pro-euthanasia written declaration fails in the European Parliament

January 11th, 2016|Categories: European Union, Human dignity, Press Release|Tags: |

Brussels, 11 January 2016 “Written declaration on dignity at the end of life“: this was the title of a written declaration which lapsed last week, as it failed to reach the requested majority of the Members of the

1812, 2015

Press Release | Surrogacy Motherhood debated at the Council of Europe – are Human beings a commodity?

December 18th, 2015|Categories: Council of Europe, Human dignity, Press Release|Tags: |

Human beings, a commodity? Surrogacy Motherhood leads to commercialisation of women and children, prices for Surrogacy Motherhood can range from 76,000 to 171,000 US $. Brussels, 18 November 2015 On Monday 23 November the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and

1112, 2015

Press Release | EP Interest Group on Work-Life Balance Meets

December 11th, 2015|Categories: European Union, Family & Work-life balance, Press Release|Tags: |

EP Interest Group on Work-Life Balance Meets:  Healthy work places in Europe, keys to preventing psychosocial risks Brussels, 11 December 2015 Tackling the rise in psychosocial diseases by ensuring a fair work-life balance, proper rest and a common work-free

1806, 2015

Press Release | Lack of Conscientious Objection Clause for Medical Staff in Sweden – Decision of the European Committee of Social Rights

June 18th, 2015|Categories: Council of Europe, Press Release|Tags: |

Brussels, 18 June 2015 Contrary to Resolution 1763 adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 10 October 2011, Medical Staff in Sweden have no legal right to conscientious objection in case of ethically

1006, 2015

Press release | Which vision for the future of Europe? The European Parliament moving towards Deep Divide on Critical Issues

June 10th, 2015|Categories: European Union, Press Release|Tags: |

Strasbourg, 9 June 2015 Today the European Parliament adopted the Report of the Women's Rights Committee (FEMM) on the EU strategy for equality between women and men post 2015, originally drafted by Maria Noichl (S&D, Germany). As we stated in

306, 2015

Press Release | EU strategy for equality between women and men post 2015. Is there an alternative for our children?

June 3rd, 2015|Categories: European Union, Press Release|Tags: |

Brussels, 3 June 2015 Tuesday 9 June the European Parliament is going to vote on the EU strategy for equality between women and men post 2015, also known as the Noichl Report, so named for its rapporteur, Maria Noichl

2005, 2015

Press Release | Irish Referendum On The Redefinition Of Marriage

May 20th, 2015|Categories: FAFCE Members, Parenthood & Children education, Press Release|Tags: , |

Strasbourg, 20 May 2015 Friday 22 May the Irish people is called to vote in a referendum on a possible amendment of the Constitution, which if adopted would redefine marriage from a legal point of view. If the constitutional