Project Description
Asociación Enraizados
Somos una voz católica en la vida pública. Enraizados es una asociación civil fundada en 2012 que trabaja día a día para conseguir el bien común en la sociedad, aportando una visión cristiana (Inscrita en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones con el nº 601.370).
Enraizados es una asociación fundada en 2012 cuya misión es trabajar por la consecución del bien común nacional y mundial desde una visión cristiana de la vida haciendo presente la importancia de la fe para conseguir ese bien común nacional y mundial movilizando a los católicos, a los creyentes y a las personas de buena voluntad.
Nuestros valores son los principios y los valores de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia (DSI), a los que añadimos la línea de acción de Libertad Religiosa:
- Cristocentrismo.
- Dignidad de la persona.
- Subsidiariedad.
- Bien común.
- Participación.
- Solidaridad.
- Justicia social y destino universal de los bienes.
- Verdad, libertad, justicia y caridad.
- Libertad Religiosa.
Phone: +34627008895
The Digital Service Act: Protecting yourself from the Internet?
Brussels, Friday 24th January On January 22, a debate took place in the European Parliament on the Digital Service Act. The Digital Service Act (or DSA) was voted on by the European Parliament on
FAFCE intervention at the University CEU San Pablo – VIII National Congress on Bioethics in the service of life and the person
Brussels 25 February 2025 FAFCE participated for the 1st time in the CEU Bioethics Congress in Madrid Last week, on February 18, Teresa Gerns, FAFCE UN and CoE Advocacy Director, spoke at the 8th edition
Intergenerational Fairness Strategy : kickoff with FAFCE
On Thursday 20th February, FAFCE was invited to attend the kick-off event of the European Commission’s Strategy for Intergenerational Fairness. The European Union now has its first ever Commissioner dedicated to Intergenerational Fairness, Mr.
SAVE THE DATE | International Seminar : Family Networks for the Future of the Church (Rome, 31 May 2025)
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European Day of Demography: Generational Issues: On the Past and Future of Demography
4 February 2025 On the European Day of Demography, FAFCE participated in the online panel discussion organised by the Population Europe, focusing on generational issues and reminding the importance demographic studies. Andreas Edel, Executive
Our future depends on the youngest – Polish presidency on mental health of children and online safety
Brussels, 28 January 2025 From 1 January to 30 June 2025 Poland is holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Every six months another member state takes the responsibility to chair meetings