Association of Catholic Families Vladimir Ghika (AFC)

One of the first Associations of Catholic Families from Romania after 1989, it officially exists since 24th of April 2008.

Its activities are based in Bucharest and under the Archdiocese of Bucharest. The association is organised under the supervision of ArchBishop of Bucharest and has the scope to promote and apply the christian values in family’s life, as the basic cell of society, in order to achieve a civil society based on christian family spirituality and the teachings of Romano – Catholic Church.

Also, the Association is wishing to be a forum of debates for decisional factors in order to protect family life in our society, a voice towards protecting the family in direct cooperation with the Catholic Church hierarchy and in dialog with Authorities and organisations from local, national and international level.

Str. Gral. Herni Mathias Berthelot nr 19, 010164 Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40 720 587 83