Project Description

Confédération Nationale des Associations Familiales Catholiques (CNAFC)

The «Associations Familiales Catholiques» ( AFC ) was founded in 1905. Today there are 350 local AFC associations all around France and in the over sea departments, and 73 regional federations. All in all about 30 000 families are AFC members. AFC supports and promotes the family within the society, referring to the values of the Catholic Church and its Social Doctrine. The objectives of AFC are the promotion of family based on marriage as the basis of the society and assistance to all families who wish support, whether they are catholic or not. In order to help families and convey these convictions AFC is engaged and represented in social, economic and political issues. AFC is recognized by the French State as being of public utility and is a member of the National Family Association ( UNAF ), a public family interest organization.

28 place St Georges Paris 75009 France
Phone: +33 148788161
Fax: +33 148780735

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