Project Description

Forum delle associazioni familiari (FORUM)

The Forum of Family Associations (Forum) is an Italian association founded in 1992 with the aim of promoting the family as a social subject.

The Forum is a second level association, that is, those who compose it are, in turn, associations. Thanks to its regional and provincial branches, it aims to act as a spur to politics at all levels and to improve the conditions of Italian families.

On the European level, the Forum of Family Associations has joined the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE).

Lungotevere dei Vallati No. 10, Roma 00186 Italy
Phone: +39 06 68309445
Fax: +39 06 45405740

Demography Toolbox : quel bilan après deux ans ?

février 5th, 2025|0 Comments

  En octobre 2023, la Commission européenne avait publié sa « Boîte à outils démographique » ou Demography Toolbox. La Boîte à outils démographique reconnaissait que la population européenne était en train de diminuer. Cette baisse