Tomorrow, 15 May, is the International Day of Families, and it is also the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family. These two events will be celebrated at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. Together with the International Commission on Couple and Family Relations (ICCFR), the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE) have invited representatives of civil society, the European Institutions and of families to celebrate families’ positive and constructive contribution to Society.
This anniversary is also an excellent occasion to recall that families that are the foundation and the future of Society need the family need to be supported, promoted and protected in Europe and across the world.
The three themes chosen by the United Nations to observe this anniversary are all very acute challenges across Europe: Intergenerational Solidarity, Balance between Family Life and Work, Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.
All families face these challenges in one way or another, and young people often face difficulties due to those challenges that prevent them from fulfilling what they deeply desire, namely founding a family. Young people across the world aspire for family life: a global survey published in May 2013 shows that what young people desire most is a family and relations that last a life time. What do these young people consider most worthy of respect? Those adults who have been good parents and who kept their family together!
In a couple of days EU citizens will have a chance to have their say in the European Elections. It is an excellent opportunity to elect candidates who are ready to commit themselves to Family friendly policies if elected!
FAFCE encourages families to seize this opportunity! To assist them in their choice the names of candidates who signed the Vote for Family 2014 Manifesto, a pledge recalling fundamental rights and needs of the family, will be published on 15 May.
Over 100 candidates to the European Elections have already signed the Vote for Family 2014 Manifesto! Their names will be published on the International Day of Families to recall that the Family is not only a European concern but a global issue.
The Manifesto is available in most European languages and FAFCE invites more candidates to sign it! FAFCE calls on candidates to bring hope and confidence to our continent so that our young people may look towards the future being proud of the older generations who laid the foundations for their lives.
To read more about the event at the European Economic and Social Committee on 15 May, please consult our PRESS MATERIAL.
To read more about the Vote for Family 2014 campaign, please consult the Vote for Family 2014 website or read the manifesto in the language of your choice below.
Манифест – за цялостна и резултатна политика за семейството, богатството на Европа!
Prohlášení o komplexní a efektivní evropské politice prospěšné rodině, která je pokladem Evropy
Javni proglas za sveobuhvatne i učinkovite europske politike u korist obitelji, blaga Europe!
Manifesti kokonaisvaltaiselle ja tehokaalle EU:n perhepolitiikalle, perhe on Euroopan aarre!
Manifest für eine umfassende und effektive EU-Familienpolitik, Familien sind der Schatz Europas!
Manifesto per una politica europea organica ed efficace per la famiglia, Tesoro dell’Europa!
2014 m. rinkimai į Europos Parlamentą Visapusiškos ir veiksmingos Europos šeimos politikos
MANIFESTAS Šeima–Europos turtas
Manifest na rzecz całościowej i skutecznej polityki dla rodziny, stanowiącej bogactwo Europy
Manifesto por uma política europeia global e eficaz em favor da família, Tesouro da Europa !
Manifest pentru politici europene efective şi comprehensive în favoarea Familiei, Tezaurul Europei!
Manifest za komplexnú a efektívnu európsku politiku v prospech rodiny, pokladu Európy!