The European Elections are a unique occasion for all families to make their voice heard and to affirm that the family is the first starting point for rebuilding relationships and community in Europe. For that reason, FAFCE ran the Vote for the Family Campaign, with a Manifesto titled “Stronger Families for Flourishing Societies”, which has been proposed to the candidates to the European Elections. The names of the signatories are published from today on
Recalling its Board Resolution for a Demographic Spring (Vienna, 13 April 2018), asking to put the family at the centre of national policies, so that the demographic winter could become a demographic spring and to shape the future of Europe;
Recalling its 20th Anniversary Declaration – Families’ are Europe’s Treasure and building block for the future (Rome, 31 May 2017), calling on the Governments of the European States to promote and create family policies at the national level and promote family friendly EU policies, whilst respecting the principle of subsidiarity;
Considering that families should grow in awareness of being “protagonists” of what is known as “family politics” and to assume responsibility for transformation of the society (Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio 44, 22 November 1981);
Considering that the family capital is called to impregnate the economic, social and political relationships of the European continent (Speech of Pope Francis to FAFCE, 1st of June 2017);
Considering the COMECE Bishops’ Statement in view of the 2019 European Elections(12 February 2019), stating that the issue of demography has to regain central stage. The subject concerns natality as well as ageing;
our Board, gathered in Malta, one of the very few European Countries still protecting the human dignity of pre-born children, invites with great hope all European families: