On 21 November the European Parliament will vote on the nomination of the Commissioner Designate Tonio Borg for the Health and Consumer Rights portfolio. The FAFCE has addressed an open letter to all MEPs calling on them to stand up for Fundamental Rights and the interests of families across Europe in the areas of health and consumer rights. 

The President of the FAFCE, Antoine Renard, underlines that “citizens from all Member States look toward every MEP as you are about to vote on the nomination of a new Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner. Many families across Europe are currently facing difficulties in both areas related to the SANCO portfolio due to the crisis and they count on your commitment to stand up for their interests. The appointment of Mr Borg is an urgent matter for all those who count on the protection of their rights as consumer and patients.”

Further, the letter focuses on the commitment and the competence that the candidate has demonstrated: “throughout the hearing with the competent parliamentary committees on 13 November Tonio Borg showed his deep commitment to all European citizens in a transparent and clear way. A Commission legal official attending the hearing stated: « I found Mr Borg’s replies most relevant and well founded both on the political and legal level. Unlike what his opponents had insinuated, Mr Borg is indeed a suitable Commissioner candidate who would not be either wholly or partially serving the interests of just one Member State, but on the contrary serving the European common good while fully respectful of the principle of subsidiarity reaffirmed by the Lisbon treaty, and thereby respecting the rights of the national parliaments.” These words clearly illustrate that Mr Borg has the competency to take office, serving all European citizens.”

The FAFCE is also calling for a just treatment of all EU citizens, including members of the European Commission: “the attempts to blacklist Mr Borg do not respect the fundamental freedoms laid down in Art 10 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The very same fundamental rights that are the core values on which the European Union is founded and apply to all citizens, including European Commissioners.”

Read the whole letter here.